Credit: Gerrit Verstraete

Drawings by
Gerrit Verstraete
"Tammy," conte on paper
"la belle," gold point & graphite on paper
© 2005, Gerrit V.L.Verstraete

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These are the featured works of Bernard Poulin. For a brief biography please check out our research files on The Drawing Society of Canada drawing masters page.

*Click on image for larger picture*

Title: “Boxes"
Size: 10 X 30"
Media: Graphite & Coloured Pencil.
Title: “Figure"
Size: 16 X 24"
Media: Pen & Ink.
Title: “Rebirth of Venus"
Size: 15 X 24"
Media: Graphite.
Title: “Rose"
Size: 7 X 13"
Media: Watercolour & Coloured Pencil.

Founding member Drawing Centres International

© 2009, Drawing Society of Canada
No content, including text and images, can be copied or reproduced without the consent of the Drawing
Society of Canada and consent of drawing masters featured in the gallery of Canadian drawing masters.
Site designed by: Doug Jordan